The Most Innovative Country in the World
After visiting an auto show in Beijing, a foreign blogger put it bluntly: The future has just begun to emerge, who will lead the next scientific revolution? The answer may surprise you.

I recently did some reporting at an auto show in Beijing, about a month ago, with all the major international brands from Japan, the EU, the US and China present, you could see all the cars you've dreamed of, they were all there, it was just amazing. I went to Ford because I'm American and I introduced myself there and they were very kind and took me upstairs and gave me free coffee. I've spoken to some people from Eastern Europe who are interested in the Ford Bronco and are planning some business collaborations and importing these cars.
But one of the things I noticed as I looked around at these beautiful cars from various countries is that Chinese cars are getting a lot of attention internationally. There are even people from the West with tape measures to measure the width of the door, the scene is very crazy. xiaomi's new car, a beautiful electric sports car, was probably the most talked about on the scene, with a long line of people waiting to see the car. Byd's exhibition also received the second most attention.
It is clear that everyone from Japan, the EU and the US is most interested in the technology that China has demonstrated. Actually, I want to know about the development of the electric vehicle industry in China, which is why I am here today. Deals are being done everywhere between all kinds of different companies, and it's not just Chinese companies that are getting attention, but they are certainly getting more attention. Why do Chinese cars get more attention than other brands? That's because China isn't just innovating in terms of gradually improving the efficiency of certain components that have been around for a long time. Chinese cars are doing things that no other car company has done before.
For example, there's a car company in China called NIO, and they have a battery replacement technology, and they have this infrastructure in all the major cities in China. You don't need to charge your car or do a quick charge, just drive to a small harbor and your battery will be replaced with a fully charged battery in less than a minute, which obviously saves a lot of time and is actually more efficient than refueling.
China is doing things that no other company in the world is doing. Another good example is BYD, who have a new car that can travel 2000 km on a single charge and a full tank of gas. It's a hybrid, not a full electric car, which means it runs on gasoline and electricity and can travel 2,000 kilometers. This solves the problem of people in places like Australia or Arizona not being able to buy electric cars due to the scarcity of charging stations. If you can travel 2,000 kilometers on a single charge and refueling, you don't need many charging stations. This will allow BYD to export to smaller niche markets around the world.
It's also a level of innovation that a lot of Western companies don't have, where they don't have this super innovative focus on electric cars and hybrids. But I'm not just talking about electric cars and cars, we're also talking about high-speed rail. Taking an idea from "that would be great" to "let's do it" takes on another level in China. This is about innovation, and so is innovation in urban planning, in national planning. The United States has known about high-speed rail for decades. In 2008, China had no high-speed rail. By 2024, China had 45,000 kilometers of high-speed rail, many of which run at 350 kilometers per hour and some at 250 kilometers per hour. Not only that, but China also has a super high-speed railway that will connect Shanghai with Beijing and other cities, possibly reaching speeds of 500 or even 600 kilometers per hour.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Is the United States capable of this? There might be. But did they? Not really. That's what innovation is all about. Innovation is not just "that would be a good idea," because Americans love science fiction and have all kinds of good ideas. But taking an idea from "that would be a good idea" to "It's done, let's get in the car," hasn't worked out in the United States the way it has in China. This has not happened anywhere else in the world. We can argue about why, but what we can't argue about is that this is actually happening. China is taking these wonderful science fiction ideas and applying them to all kinds of technologies at scale and innovating in ways that are not happening anywhere else, especially on the scale that China is doing.
So, if you're a great investor or entrepreneur, you know that the question is not whether China is the most innovative country in the world, but that China is indeed the most innovative country in the world. Now, what should my business or my country do? How to work with China? How can I work with China to bring these technologies to my company? Or how can my company enter their market and possibly somehow copy these technologies or have a joint venture with them? For those who don't even acknowledge that China is the most innovative country in the world and that Chinese companies are the most innovative companies in the world, they are simply not on the table.
很贊 ( 29 )
I subscribed to your channel, because of your honesty about comments China. Most other western world's people always criticised China, accusing China of being stealing technology that are not available or existed from the west. I lived in Sydney Australia. My first time to be in China was a big big surprise to me. I saw a lot of development going in China. And spoken to myself that i can become rich through by working with China. I'm not jealousy or have hatred for Chinese people. They worked so hard to be where they are today. Thank you very much for your honesty comments about China.
Good for you. Pat on the back. You have woken up and can see the vision and what the future can hold for you. Yes, if done correctly you will be able to make a lot of money in China. Good luck and blessings to you for your success.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
In America things of the future u can only get to see it in Hollywood movies but In China u can experience it in real life
Did you make a mistake? Uncle Sam said the Chinese cannot innovate anything at all.
Because Uncle Sam does not realize US depend also on Chinese descend engineers to innovate.
US = Uncle Sanctions
美國 = 制裁大叔
NAW NAW NAW NAW!! We Endians be thee most brilliant and most innovative in thee vurld [wobble head wobble head]. We be invented thee zero without which nobody be inventing anything today [wobble head wobble head].
Uncle Sam is still daydreaming ....
China did copy alot of western cars. Hell if you just look at their wheels, it's also round WTF!
Fantastic reporting/news, watching western MSM I won't have known that there was so much foreign interest/attention in Chinese cars
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I follow your X, Douyin, and now I'm happy new channel is on air I'm back in EU atm on holiday but I also moved to China and l think too that quality of life is unbeatable in
Unfortunately, people dare not compete and just try to block. Politicians take the benefits of pocketing, and support.
This was eye opening in terms of innovation and continuous improvements that results in legacy
we asian support you for telling the truth no bias
The China "Great Wall" is a great example that not many country can build a wall similar to it!
3:56. "... more than the entire EU combined..."
That's a severe understatement.
China has more high speed rail than the rest of the ENTIRE WORLD COMBINED!!
3:56. "...超過整個歐盟的總和..."
A country is more innovative because it is more prosperous, not the other way around. The most innovative country in the world at any given point in time is invariably the most prosperous country in the world at that time. England was the most innovative country in the 18th and 19th centuries because England was the most prosperous country in the world during that period. USA was the most innovative country in the world during the second half of the 20th century because USA was the most prosperous country during that period. Currently, China is the most innovative country, which is an indication that China is currently the most prosperous country. It is true that in nominal terms, USA has a greater GDP than China but a large portion of the GDP in USA is boosted by debts and a bubble assets market, mainly the stock market. But, in terms of purchasing power parity, (which is the true measure of the prosperity of a country) China is much more prosperous than USA.
We will probably never get this kind of honest and factual report about China’s innovation and development from the West MSM. Thank you,
These videos have increased America's determination to eliminate China, which is worrying.
the US has no high speed rails, the Amtrak is total joke comparing to the Chinese high speed train.
We don't even have enough charging stations in North America to support EVs. America and Canada have far worse living standards than other developing countries.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
China doesn’t have to contend with lobbyist groups that only have the interests of a few that prevent a public good from benefiting the people, e.g. oil, car and airplane lobbyists.
China is an amazing country,Chinese innovate everything.
Thanks for the honesty.. subscribed!
感謝你的誠實.. 已訂閱!
You could probably run the US better then most of the politicians there...just your last sentence about JV and seeing how to adopt some if this tech set you apart from the mainstream. Keep up the great reporting
I personally will never buy any American made cars. They are all lemons. I will never buy any Japanese made cars because of safety concerns.
If "HS Rail" is an "innovative idea", implementing this idea itself must involve many, many other necessary (and necessarily) innovative ideas as well. In this way of thinking, new ideas are a dime a dozen. What China showed in the last 25 years is not just a willingness to try new ideas but also to realized their benefits.
You missed the point and it wasn't sarcastic. Many folks in general celebrate celebratory of all types. Having a lot of subscribers is one measure of celebrity. By not having a lot of sbscribers says that the celebrity of acknowledging others advances is unlikely because it isn't popular to do so. Its an unfortunate measure of an underlying effect of an arrogance that can't be sustained in a " small world ". If we don't to-do it we will look at others grass being greener but won't day so. A way to slow innovation and as one commenter stated, correctly done the Chinese would gladly share their advances with the rest. But that pops the superiority bubble.
That car drives 2700 km and not 2000 km
I hope to see more of Chinese EVs in Australia. Increase competitions means cheaper cars and better for the consumers. It is great that in Australia we don't have high tariff on these cars. I don't mind if there is a way they can bring the current price even lower.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
If "HS Rail" is an "innovative idea", implementing this idea itself must involve many, many other necessary (and necessarily) innovative ideas as well. In this way of thinking, new ideas are a dime a dozen. What China showed in the last 25 years is not just a willingness to try new ideas but also to realized their benefits.
No no NO!! They stole OUR innovation . REPLIED from the USA
Perhaps they are innovative, but what about quality? The quality of Chinese tools exported to the Philippines is atrocious. Like disposable screwdrivers that strip out on screw heads atrocious.
I live in China, Considering China manufactures most of the world's goods, it must be the quality of tools companies in the Philippines are ordering. US tool companies manufacture their tools in China too and they are pretty good.
You get what you pay for. You are willing to only pay less you get less quality. Easy to understand.
@yunjuyishi , except that’s not the case. Most goods available here are only from China. The price is on par with what you’d pay for the same tool in the US. Also, if you find a brand name that is Chinese, the quality in the Philippines is inferior compared to that available in the US. Same brand, still manufactured in China. The difference is where they are exporting it.
@ShangguanJiewen , I think that’s part of the issue, but I have noticed a difference between tools made by the same company but purchased in a different country.
@bryantmissions4664 then ask the Philippine importers, did they pay the same price? or they just sell at the same price. China manufacture all range of goods from cheap to expensive. What you said is against common sense as to what normally happen in China.
Hahaha, you are screwed by the importer, wholesalers and retailers in the Philippines. They choose the cheaper products of less quality and sold to you at the same price of the higher quality products.
Don't deceive yourself anymore. You know what's going on deep in your brain,Your class determines the price and quality of your purchase.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Because you only can afford buy things from $ store.
@yunjuyishi Yes, silly humans who don't understand this. You get what you pay for is correct.
Very true. He must have been ripped off by the Philippines company importer, importing a cheaper low quality product from China instead of a higher quality product from China and selling to his country men at a high quality product price.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Comparing Apple and Oppo from China. I've been using Oppo phone for around 5 years and is still working beautifully. Cost me around S$300. An apple in Singapore will cost around S$2,000. With such a huge price difference my Oppo phone performs as good if not better than an Apple phone. I believe, besides popularity, Apple manufacturers are largely profit driven oligarchs. People pay for name. Huawei is as good as an Apple if not better for a much much lower price.
@JinJiaLat-vl1oj comment spot on. I have an Oppo and it's great. Switched from a Samsung. Never buy an Apple, overpriced and overrated.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.mintwatchbillionaireclub.com 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
?@henriettasecker-shaoI readily agree with you
@JinJiaLat-vl1oj Thank you...Bao Zhong!
You Bao Zhong too